Wednesday 9 November 2011

one thing,

I only have one thing to say today.
I know now that there's someone there. I know I'm not alone in this..
A very good friend at college is there for me, and as always "my big brother".
These are the best people... <3

Sunday 6 November 2011

That One Person...

So have you ever met someone and at first impressions thought that they would never conjure up strong emotions or have a massive impact?
Yeah...I did that.
There's this one guy in my life, that did exactly that. I met him, ages ago, it feels like I've known him forever. And when I first met him, I thought he'd just be one of those guys you meet and never talk to. But no.. He did the opposite. After I met him, we started talking and we could quite litterally talk for days..and not stop. I don't know why but we just something clicked and we instantly became brilliant friends... I don't  understand that connection, and I guess I never will, but I don't mind that. I can live wth not understanding it, as long as I don't lose it.
But then, I have to say that I've always had a soft spot for this guy, ever since I met him; there's just something about him..
But I can't tell him exactly how I feel. oh no. That would lead to all kinds of complications. Besides, he seems so perfectly happy..
And I refuse to get in the way or alter that.. I'll always have feelings for this guy, and I'll always have that soft spot... I'm just happy to have the privellege of calling him My Bestfriend...He's like family to me...Only more   <3 <3

Saturday 5 November 2011

The Effect Of People...

'kay so, this may seem weird but some people really do get under my skin...
Like some times it's good and makes me realise just how much I really do care about them, but other times..they just annoy me. End of. So I dont really know what to write about..but I guess I'm just supposed to tell you what's going through my head..and right now, That would be how complicated everything is...
Like the one question of my life is what to say? do I tell her happened ad explain the real reason to my cranial melt down (if thats how you spell it) or do I leave it, and when it comes down to the end of all this pretend like I didn't know... However this person is the most important person in my life and I can't lose the connection I have with her....I just can't...

But anyway, moving on to a lighter topic of conversation! WOO! yay! today is going to be a good day, I can tell :) reason 1; get to see like the most amazing guy ever...
When I walked in to Nailsea SportCentre i couldnt wait to see him! (Obviously i'm not saying his name...this is the internet after all :P
But the moment saw him couldn't control the smile. its been way too long since saw this guy! I can honestly say he is one of the best people I've met, and I cant imagine my life with out him!!
Loads of Love for this guy!!!!! <3 <3 <3(in all fairness like the main reason its a good day ^_^ <3)

P.s; if you ever read this...The green plaster suited you ;) <3