Sunday 11 December 2011

Last Night.

'Kay so basically I haven't been brilliant the last few weeks. I admit I've probably been rude to some people that i shouldn't have been aswell...And I'm super sorry about that.. Like HUGELY sorry. It's just that the slightest thing has been irritating me lately..I'm not making excuses..but that's the reason..

Last night I went out with a couple of friends and I didnt get drunk; even if the intention was to do so and forget everything..
Even though I didnt manage to forget I did vent.. I sat in the utility room and vented to the most wonderful person I've ever met.. she just sat and listened and hugged me when I cried..I couldnt ask for more..I couldnt believe how much I cried and really didn't realise I had that much to get off my chest, but clearly I did.. and I feel so much better for it..
So if anyone does actually ever read this..Venting helps! I know it sounds cliche and no-one ever believes me when I tell them that just letting it all out and telling someone you trust everything thats been bothering you helps. It helped me. And in my experience it helps alot of others too.
Also, if there isn't someone directly with you, phone someone..That's what phones were invented for!
Last night I phoned the most amazing person in my life..he helps keep me sane 24/7 and also makes me smile every time I meet him for coffee in the morning..
The only problem is that he isnt going through the best of times either. and I feel slightly guilty for just ringing him blubbering and dumping everything on him..But in a way I'm glad I did..I know he helps me no matter what..And if you do read this I'm always here for you. I love you so much! You mean soooooo bloody much to me!
I dont know what I can do to help right now, and I dont know how I can make you any happier but I promise to try. I love it when you smile, you should smile more!
To both of those people- I Love You guys.
thankyou so much, I'm always here for you!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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