Wednesday 1 February 2012

Just need to say this...

Okay, so to put it blunty I'm fed up..
Fed up of being told when I can't and can't see people or say things. I'm fed up of doing the wrong thing all the time.. Genuinely feels like I can't do anything right...
I try my hardest and no-one seems to care.. Well not the people that should anyway... there are a few exceptions but there;'s one specific person that should, and they don't..

No-one seemed to care that I sat at the bus stop and just burst into tears for no reason.. or the fact that I wasn't in a good mood.. or that I was 'grumpy'. In all honesty I'm just fed up, and I've had enough.
I'm fed up of everything being my fault.... I always get the blame for everything, even if I haven't done or said anything...
Why? Why is it always my fault? just because I'm not a pretty little girl in pink? Well sorry but pink isn't my colour and what I wear shouldn't be a judge of character.. I can't help that I don't like fitting in or blending with the crowd.. I can't..

There are only a few people on this planet that make me happy, and I really want to see one of them, because even though there is no reason to I miss him, I miss him a lot.. And in all honesty I just really want him to hug me and do what he always does... make me smile.. and make me laugh, but no. not tonight..

I don't know what I'm supposed to do.. how am I supposed to fix myself...I'm actually crying whilst writing this for no reason... its so frustrating not knowing why!!

I've had enough of always being the problem...

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