Thursday 16 August 2012

Summer so far...

Isn't that a time when you go out and lay in the sun? When you see your friends and enjoy yourself...It's not a time to be spent at home missing people.

This knee thing might be worth it in the end..but right now I think I'd of preferred to have just left it to dislocate. I've barely seen anyone. Only two of my friends bothered to come over and see me. They all said they would and they would talk to me... but they haven't. I expected a specific friend to at least talk to me. But no luck there, they're busy having their own summer, and to be perfectly honest I don't blame them. But it would be nice to at least be spoken to. Even it was just a short hello.

This sounds so tragic. Talk about self pity. But it just kind of made me realise who out of my "friends" actually care about me. It just sucks that I can't really do anything or go out and see people. I really miss people.. I really do.
But oh well.. At least I got almost all of my work done, and done well.. I don't care about bragging. Sometimes I actually feel like a genius! :P


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