Monday 25 June 2012

One of those moments...

Sometimes in this life there are moments that just make you laugh.. Some of these moments are extremely awkward and horrible times to laugh..But it's needed and you can't help it. See in these situations the person you're talking too is actually 100% serious...but it's just too funny to hold it in .
I had one of those moments today. I got this message from a friend that I haven't actually spoken to in a while. Now, this situation requires a little bit of explanation, I once thought this guy was so amazing, I thought he was my best ever friend, and that no matter what happened, he'd be there. But no. Clearly I as wrong. Now as a best friend I made the rather stupid assumption that he would always be there, that if I made a decision to do something that I enjoyed and made me happy, he'd just support me, and be there for me. but no.
He wanted to know something, and in all honesty I don't see why he should be bothered, his exact words were "I don't care". So I assumed he'd still be there. So I told him. WOW! he massively lost it over it, and decided we are no longer friends.
Now he sent me a message saying he cares, he really cares about me. But if he really cared, he'd understand, he'd be there. He'd be the friend I thought he was.

I think the message here is, don't go on first impressions, sometimes they aren't always right. But then sometimes they are, I try to go on my second meeting...
I miss this guy, but until he grows up...I don't really want to go through more hurt with him.. no thanks....

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