Sunday 24 June 2012

Thing's you'll never say...

Do you ever get that feeling that you need to tell someone need to tell them what thoughts are circling around and around in your head because it's about them..But you just can' can't. Because if you ruin everything... Everything sucks. And the few things in life that make you wake up and smile..they vanish. They just go.
I have that feeling right now. There's so much in my head that I want...need to tell someone, but I can't. It wouldn't be worth ruining everything we share at the moment. We have fun, and we enjoy what we have. But I really like this guy. I really do. But I can't tell him how much he actually means to me, he's such a good friend to have, .I can't ruin this. I'm just trying to enjoy it and enjoy this moment, enjoy what we have. I'm not going to put "all my eggs in one basket"...and I know this may not work.. it probably won't but is it so wrong for me to think of what it would be like if it did?
I'd really like it too... And I can't explain why but I miss him like mad! It's insane.
I know that right now I must sound like an infatuated little girl..And I wouldn't blame you for thinking so..
But he is a really really nice guy. He's gorgeous, inside and out. When I'm with him I just feel...happy..I feel...attractive for once, I wake up and I don't feel massively gross...

I just don't know what to tell him.. I want to tell him all these things...but I can't...I just can't ....


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