Monday 16 July 2012

Big Ouch..

After being at the hospital for 6.30 am and being delayed all day, with out food and not being able to drink after 11am. I finally had my reconstruction done on my knee. It was only supposed to take about..2 hours. But it took 3 because apparently  there was a lot more damage than first expected. And there were a few complications during surgery....such as not being able to ventilate me properly for a while, and they couldn't stop the bleeding as easily as they wanted too. Oh and my blood pressure as too low. Basically it went well and I'm home now. But it wasn't easy..
I woke up in recovery and the lovely nurse put my tongue bar back in for me, but then I started crying hysterically, who wouldn't. I didn't know where I was, what had happened or how I got there.

Anyway, I was put on a morphine drip and some fluids, because they were really worried about my blood pressure and stuff.. I couldn't sleep either. I kept waking up for no reason.
I don't blame my family for laughing at me either. I must have been really stupid when I woke up. I was still really ditzy from the anaesthetic and the damn morphine. I was stupid...
The Friday night sucked. everytime I fell asleep I was woken up by the nurse so she could check everything was okay, and saturday morning sucked too. I was officially discharged at 12 after proving that I was fully capable and proving that I didn't need help. When in actual fact I can't walk with my crutches and carry a cup of tea at the same time. It's pants. But I manage. Anyway, I was discharged and told that I could leave, then told that I had to wait for a bunch of medication and wait for a damn x-ray.
Right now I feel super sick and dizzy, But I'm putting that down to the mass amount of pain killers I have to take every four hours...
I tried going down to the doctors today, to get the dressing under my knee brace changed (as instructed) but I couldn't even make it half way down the road..I started feeling like I was going to vomit, and there was just too much pressure on it, and so I'm going back to the doctors tomorrow.
I never thought it would hurt this much.And people are making such a fuss. It's like I'm an invalid and can't do a damn thing by my self. I can't do a lot. But I'm not totally incapable. The only thing I really don't like is my purple ankle, that's roughly the size of a small melon, or massively mutant golf ball.

There were a few people I would have loved to see saturday morning when I woke up, and see there smiles, so that I knew it wasn't all disastrous. But they weren't there. So oh well. I'll just have to deal with that one.

Any way, feeling disgustingly sick. So tablets and bed time for me. bye bye!!

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