Tuesday 4 October 2011

Frustrating Day...

'kay so... by my reckoning I'm getting pretty good at this blogging stuff! Mwahahah!! It's quite amazing that I seem to be able to find time to actually do this between all the work that I get confused on LOL. But I seem to be managing!
I actually finished that essay I mentioned yesterday... well mostly. I'm still yet to write a conclusion..but again I have no idea what to write... ah well...... I'll think of something!! xD

Today was good. I saw my guy on the train again, although I didn't talk to him...I wanted to though...
I guess I just don't know how. any suggestions on how to randomly bump into him and start a conversation? (without looking like a complete freak!)
I saw him several times today, and had the urge to just go up to him and introduce myself...but I'm pretty sure that would be considered weird... and I really don't want that.
Last week a good friend of mine said he was looking at me on the train, but how do I know he was actually looking at me????!!! ARGH! I hope he was... in a way that could be a sign he MIGHT be interested... although i don't see why anyone would be interested in me... the only thing about me that guys ever seem remotely interested is the size of my boobs....(they aren't exactly small...)
t would be nice if he was...I was thinking of randomly adding him on facebook, but again.. weird??
Because he might just be like...."woaaa...she's a bit weird.." And I really don't want that. In a way I kinda just want things to happen...for him to show interest in talking to me and for a conversation to casually start and feel right... I hope that one day it might happen...maybe I'd actually get the chance....

OMG! I must sound completely pathetic to you... and for that I'm sorry if your still actually reading this entry.. (whoops)
But i started this blog as a way to let things out without having to see judgement in people's faces...and it's quite refreshing not having to worry about being judged for my words, thoughts and feelings.
I just wish I didn't feel as alone as I currently do...
for example. my sister came over today, and I was talking to her about college, and after a few sentences she just sat there and (word for word) said "I don't really care".... did she think of how that makes me feel when I have to sit there and listen to her blab on about how amazing it is to be living with my ex boyfriend... no she didn't.
But hey....it's my job and I have to listen...because I care about her and about how she feels.
It's who I am....
One day I hope I get my ever after..... that would be nice <3

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