Monday 3 October 2011

This is ADDICTIVE!!!

So, I'm sat here, and I'm supposed to be writing my psychology essay! LOL. But this seemed so much more interesting! even though no-one reads it :L
But I had a pretty good day today... nothing majorly exciting happened, but it was pretty chilled out and quite lovely. The company at college is amazing and I love the fact that we can just sit there and have a completely random. I love it.

So I've sent the link of this blog to a few people, and I really hope they don't read too much into it and I sincerely hope they don't think I'm completely insane!!

Today I realised something, about four years ago, I lost myself. I was in a very bad place, and it was extremely hard to come back from that. But about a year ago I got better, and I'm now, and guess I always have been (just haven't noticed it) proud of myself. I'm proud of who I am, and the kind of person I am.
I mean I used to be a horrible person, and I always hurt the people I loved the most and I always pushed them away! (stupid much?) Thinking about it I feel incredibly STUPID! But I suppose it can't be helped. I just have to try my best to make up for that now. A believe me, I'm trying. Sometimes I wonder if there is anyone out there who's willing to be my saviour? How nice would that be?

I was talking to one of bestest ever friends today. She is one of the most amazing girls I know. I don't know what I would do without her!! She's always there for me, and she's the best person to talk to or just have a silly conversation and have a laugh! But even she said I'm nicer now!! YAY!

One day I hope I'll be the girl that actually deserves to be loved and cared about. Because every person that has ever loved me....I didn't deserve your affection, in all honesty I'm still unsure as to whether I do deserve it now...but i hope one day I will <3

I've never tried for anything than to be a better girl...and I hope one day I'll be the best I can be..
P.S sorry my entries are always soooooo LONG! :D

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