Sunday 16 October 2011


So..I spent today curled up on my sofa with a blanket. All because my body has decided to become attracted to germs that make you feel rubbish! Mean right?
And also because I'm still wallowing in sefl-pity.
Yes I know that if this guy isnt interested it isnt the end of the world.. But I'd like it if he was..
From what I've heard he is a lovely guy.. like really nice..and shy. Which works for me.. Shy can be good.
But for once it would be nice if it wasnt just the arse holes that are attracted or interested in me..
I mean they've all been good, really nice guys..and then once that excitement of dating dies down and you start to get too relaxed in the relationship, they change, well most of them, like 9/10 (as a statistic) have..

So this guys friend has said he's shy and sometimes does stupid things, but apparently he's a lovely guy. Like a super lovely guy. How nice would it be if for once, just once I could attract the attention of a nice guy.. and actually enjoy a realtionship with shared effort.
So my pathetic self pity and plain emotional down-ness is still here. It is still yet to leave...
I wish it would...I hate that constant feeling of tears brimming in the corners of my eyes.


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